Frequently Asked Questions
빠르게 원하시는 의문점을 해결하실 수 있도록 도와드립니다.

What is the relationship between time to effective therapy and mortality from sepsis and bacteremia?

What test procedures can be carried out?
Get to Know Us
With Veris Scientific, hospitals can identify sepsis-causing pathogens faster and more accurately than the standard of blood culture alone.
At Veris-Sci, customer satisfaction is a key principle. Each solution is designed with the highest standards in mind to ensure quality and reliability. It is important that every client is satisfied with the result, and therefore Veris-Sci always strives for excellence in every detail, offering an individual approach to each project.
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The cause of deaths
Motality of Communtiy-onset sepsis
Motality of hospital-onset sepdid
-통계청, 2021년 사망원인통계
-질병관리청, In-depth investigation to improve the management of sepsis in Korea
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